Get Cash

easy cash for stamps


Getting Cash For Your Stamps Is Easy!

1. Print the Packing Slip and include it with your stamps. We will process your order and provide you with a Purchase Offer so you know how much we will pay for them.
2. You can either accept or decline the Purchase Offer. If you accept, we will issue your payment within 1 business day. If you decline, we can ship your stamps back to you.

*You must include a Packing Slip with your stamps or else your payment may be delayed.

Email My Packing Slip

If you’d like us to email you a Packing Slip so you can print it out later, please provide your email address below.

If you don’t have a printer we can mail you a Packing Slip.
Email: or write to:

Stamps For Cash
1077 N. Willow Ave.
Clovis, CA 93611


Shipping instructions

1. Fill out all requested information on the Packing Slip.
2. Package your stamps securely to prevent moisture damage and movement during shipping.
3. Ship your stamps to the following address. We suggest using a service with a tracking number so that you can confirm that we received your shipment.

Stamps For Cash
1077 N. Willow Ave. Ste 105-405
Clovis, CA 93611

Get Cash For Your Stamps

GUIDE: How To Sell Forever Stamps

Learn how to get the most cash for your Forever stamps.

GUIDE: Get The Most Cash For Your Stamps

Learn how to sell your unused stamps and get the most for them.